Outfit Ideas To Make An Ordinary Photo Session Extraordinary

  1. Coordinate but don't match. Start out with a basic color palette and go from there. Have one person wear a pattern in their outfit that the rest of the group's clothing can pull from. It's a good idea to keep everyone else's outfits simple.

  2. Use scarves, hat, jewelry, flowers in the hair, jackets, vets. All of these can help make your outfit complete.

  3. The choice of shoes can make or break an outfit. Be selective when it comes to your shoes. You can make it fun by picking out shoes with a pop if color. Also think about wearing boots, like cowboy boots. Don't forget some funky socks to add another splash of color or personality if your overall look of the session is fun and bright

  4. Think about the reason you are doing the session and dress accordingly. If your session is for holiday cards, you might want to dress in wintry seasonal clothing.

  5. Choose clothing that is timeless--make sure your choices won't look terribly dated years from now.

  6. Get comfortable--make sure that the children can move freely in their outfits and that they aren't going to be pulling and scratching at their new clothes. You want them be comfortable during the session.

  7. Avoid anything with logos, graphics, characters, labels, etc. These tend to take the look of a professional portrait down a few notches, and will date the photo quickly.

  8. If anyone is in need of a trip to the salon, be sure to let the haircut grow out 2 weeks or so in order to look natural. Take the time to style everyone's hair before the photo session, as well as have makeup done by a professional. Ladies will feel more confident and happy they did.

  9. Don't make everyone wear all the same color. Matching is boring and dated. Coordinate colors and looks. Please no families in khaki pants, or all in denim and white shirts. You will look back on the images and say.......so 2014.

  10. Last tip--go on Pinterest and look for outfit ideas. Create a board to help you shop for color schemes.